On the occasion of World Cancer Day February 4
On the occasion of World Cancer Day February 4, Dr. Tamer El Zalabany Specialized Clinics, and Rotary Club of Hurghada Elite announces an awareness campaign against cancer and early detection of cancer. The campaign begins on February 2 and ends on February 4. All club members will tour the tourist walkway and Sheraton Street to talk with people about the disease and distribute awareness leaflets about it. On the 4th of February there will be free consultations and screening for people who are candidates for that (having suspected cancer Cancer Symptoms or having cancer family history or above the age of 50 and never been screened).
Objectives of the awareness campaign and early detection:
1. Help you understand what is known about risk factors for cancer.
2. Answer questions and talk with you about your personal cancer related concerns.
3. Help guide surgical decisions for newly diagnosed cancer patients.
4. Review your family history, medical history and lifestyle risk factors.
5. Talk to you about genetic testing and assist in making a decision about this option, when appropriate.
6. Provide a written summary of your level of risk.
7. Outline a plan for continued monitoring for early detection and personal risk.
8. Provide information for individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer and are interested in learning about the role of genetics in their diagnoses.
9. Provides genetic counseling services.
10. Provide education and support programs for individuals at high risk for cancer.